Tag Archives: the financial guys radio show

Emmys Exception

Did you watch the Emmys? We did, and today we will talk about the leftist elites and why they were exempt from all of the rules that tyrannical Democrats enforce on you. We also discuss free-market capitalism vs. socials communism. Why America had done well for so long up until these last couple of years when Democrats decided to make things worse for everyone with their socialist ideals. We cover the issues happening in schools with masking children and the COVID-19 pandemic, and much more on Emmys Exception here on The Financial Guys Podcast.

Seth Dillon The Babylon Bee

The Financial Guys Podcast welcomes special guest Seth Dillion, CEO of The Babylon Bee. Learn about The Babylon Bee and how they fight media censorship. Watch the full interview here.

Check out their YouTube channel here for more of their videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBabylonBee

Back to School

Mike and Glenn are back to talk about the latest news with COVID 19, government control of your freedoms, and the start of the school year. They discuss the fake news concerning an overrun hospital and ivermectin. They talk about mask mandates for school children and the outrage of concerned parents. Glen and Mike also talk about a Florida restaurant that has taken the internet by storm by refusing to service Biden supporters. All this and more on today’s episode.

Courtesy of the Taxpayers

Get ready for another great show. Mike and Glenn discuss the absolute disaster of the Biden Administration and how they handled Afghanistan and Bagram Air Base. They talk about the pallets of cash left behind for the Taliban to take, courtesy of the taxpayers in the United States. They also talk about all the hardware and munitions that the Biden Administration has left for the Taliban. Also on the table of discussion is the recent terror attack that resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers. All this and much more on today’s episode.

The Collapse of Cuomo

The reign of Cuomo is finally over. Hurray!! Andrew Cuomo has left the building, and we couldn’t be any happier. Mike and Glenn discuss the atrocities that Cuomo has committed and how badly he ruined New York State. What leads to Cuomo’s inevitable downfall? Find out on The Collapse of Cuomo.

Slugs of Society

The countdown to Cuomo’s boot out of the office is underway. Cuomo will be gone in less than 14 days, and another democrat will step up to run New York. Mike and Glenn discuss the children’s COVID-19 cases and how media outlets in Western New York hyper-inflate the virus by fearmongering the public. Mike and Glenn called it right in 2020 when children were forced to wear masks, and now immune systems are down, and respiratory cases are up in children.

Mike and Glenn also discuss the Taliban takeover, CRT or Critical Race Theory being forced into schools, and domestic terrorism. Watch and see what Mike and Glenn think of these slugs of society trying to take over your country.

Dems Way or Doomsday

On this episode of The Financial Guys Podcast, where money meets politics, Glenn and Mike talk about the Dems Way or Doomsday, why you shouldn’t blindly trust the government. They discuss vaccinations and why democrats keep pushing for the American people to get them. Glenn and Mike talk about the hypocrisy of the Democrat establishment and rules for thee, but not for me. Another topic Glenn and Mike discuss is the recent recommendation of facemasks for indoor businesses such as restaurants, churches, and schools. They discuss why Governor Andrew Cuomo can’t force businesses to require facemasks. Get all your news and much more on this episode.