Tag Archives: coronavirus news

Dems Way or Doomsday

On this episode of The Financial Guys Podcast, where money meets politics, Glenn and Mike talk about the Dems Way or Doomsday, why you shouldn’t blindly trust the government. They discuss vaccinations and why democrats keep pushing for the American people to get them. Glenn and Mike talk about the hypocrisy of the Democrat establishment and rules for thee, but not for me. Another topic Glenn and Mike discuss is the recent recommendation of facemasks for indoor businesses such as restaurants, churches, and schools. They discuss why Governor Andrew Cuomo can’t force businesses to require facemasks. Get all your news and much more on this episode.

Cuban Crisis

Welcome back to another great episode of The Financial Guys Podcast, where money meets politics. Mike and Glenn discuss the Cuban Crisis, where Cubans are protesting their Government’s tyranny due to communism and why Cubans want to be part of the free world.

Mike and Glenn also talk about COVID-19 and the issue happening in New Zealand. Children are getting sick due to the lockdowns and the poor handling of the Coronavirus. Face diapers are preventing children from building a proper immune system. Respiratory illnesses are the number one problem in New Zealand due to face diapers.

Also on the agenda, Mike and Glenn talk about the lunacy of the democrat party and how poorly democrat run states handled the Coronavirus. They talk about the corruption in the media and the Government, and much more. Watch here for all the details.